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Welcome to our unique space

Inner Compass Yoga Studio is a hidden gem nestled in Elmira Ontario.

Our healing space offers small class sizes, unique events, successful fundraisers and a wonderfully supportive community.

Join us! You belong here.



Our home and Studio is located on the traditional territories of the Neutral (Attawandaron), Anishnaabe, and Haudenosaunee peoples.


We respect the ancestors who cared for this land, that is now caring for us.


Though we can not fully understand, we recognize the injustices faced by Indigenous people, and are committed to helping through fundraising for The Healing of the Seven Generations which aids those affected by intergenerational trauma from residential schools.





The ancient roots of yoga come from India and we wish to honour the many teachers and students who have come before us.  


Yoga means "union" which combines physical, mental and spiritual practices to bring us closer to ourselves, and each other. Though the western world focuses on the "outward look" or "postures," this beautiful practice dives much deeper and and it's heart is a way of life.


Incense Used In Studio

Before class, teachers burn Nag Champa

The sacred scent is soothing, calming, and relaxing. I
t's said to help us connect to our higher selves, facilitate spiritual growth and support healing. Nag Champa was initially crafted and used in India, where yoga originated. 

At the end of class, we often burn Pa
lo Santo.

This uplifting scent helps with cleansing, relaxation, and purification. It helps restore our physical and energetic well-being, brings clarity and grounds us in the moment. 

It's grown and harvested in Central/South America, and translates to "holy wood." It comes from the Palo Santo Tree and has been used in ceremonies by Shamans and Indigenous peoples for centuries.

Teachers may also burn Sage.

Also known as "smudging" or "smoke cleansing," this plant is used to cleanse, purify and clear away negative energy in a person/group/or space. This ceremonial smudging is used and practiced by Indigenous cultures and is based on traditional beliefs that the smoke produced will purify and help create a positive mindset.

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